Andor Salga
Frame rate slows downs as ASC files d...
was created by Andor Salga
Friday Jul 30
ticket -
Add pointSmooth option
was updated by Andor Salga
Wednesday Jul 28
ticket -
Change parse loop to use WebGL arrayswas updated by Andor Salga 05:24 PM ticket - Fix wacky rotation in the demos was created by Andor Salga 05:23 PM ticket
cleaned code
was committed by Andor
Tuesday Jul 27
changeset - cleaned code was committed by Andor 08:31 PM changeset
- cleaned code was committed by Andor 08:27 PM changeset
- Update shaders so they pass shader va... was created by Andor Salga 08:24 PM ticket
Add basic streaming support for ASC fileswas updated by Andor Salga 07:42 PM ticket - MWM was committed by Andor 07:38 PM changeset