#115 ✓resolved
cesar.lopez (at pilot.emdepa)

Goto point of view

Reported by cesar.lopez (at pilot.emdepa) | April 13th, 2011 @ 02:47 AM | in 0.75 (closed)

It would be useful if a method could be created that when called would go to a x,y,z point of view. In 3dtubeme specifically camera positions are known so it would be awesome if i could just call goto(x,y,z) and the POV would move to that coordinate.

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Andor Salga

    Andor Salga May 6th, 2011 @ 02:29 AM

    • Tag set to camera
    • State changed from “new” to “assigned”
    • Milestone set to 0.75
    • Assigned user set to “Andor Salga”
    • Milestone order changed from “29” to “0”
  • Andor Salga

    Andor Salga May 13th, 2011 @ 06:51 PM

    • Milestone order changed from “8” to “0”

    I added an orbit camera class to the repository, which would ikely resolve your issue. Let me know if you need any help getting started on using it.

  • Andor Salga

    Andor Salga June 7th, 2011 @ 08:47 PM

    • State changed from “assigned” to “resolved”
    • Milestone order changed from “7” to “0”

    Cesar, I believe the orbit camera should solve this issue. Setting to resolved.

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<b>XB PointStream</b> (working name)

A cross-browser JavaScript tool which will emulate Arius3D's PointStream viewer. It will be able to quickly render a large amount of point cloud data to the &lt;canvas&gt; tag using WebGL.<br />

Current release <a href="http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/asalga/releases/0.8/xbps-min-0.8.zip">XBPS 0.8</a>

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